We were approached by our client, who manufacture pharmaceutical products, to design and manufacture a solution to address inefficiencies identified in the production line change over process. SETA Technologies worked closely with our client to establish the scope, which included committing personal on site to map out current processes, measure and identify over 1200 change over components and design and manufacture of a mobile storage system. The use of same change over components in multiple combinations & line change overs made for complex planning to provide a simple and problem free solution for the end user. The project was delivered on time and budget and resulted in 3-4 hour reduction in line change over times.
SETA Technologies High Performance Supercharger
At SETA Technologies we are always striving to push the boundaries of our capabilities and every time we do it expands the level of service and capabilities we offer our clients. One example of this is the billet supercharger we are currently developing. We have achieved a major milestone by successfully completing the CNC machining of the prototype.
SETATECH Supercharges achieve podium results at the 2016 Spring Time Trials
Running our SETATECH drop in supercharger our client was able to post a 38.25 sec lap time to claim first place at the Spring Time Trial jet ski races. We also placed 2nd and 3rd for a hat-trick.
Prototyping a world first in kidney dialysis
We recently worked to help bring to life a world first in kidney dialysis: